Phenomenology of associative assemblies, the right mix of ingredients

Phenomenology of associative assemblies, the right mix of ingredients


A ritual that is perpetuated almost the same and that unloads itself in the weeks between mid-June and mid-July, all in the capital, where there is more chance of bringing in ministers

We are in the season of the annual assemblies of representation and social bodies. A ritual that is perpetuated almost the same and that unloads itself in the weeks between mid-June and mid-July. Fabi even exaggerates, because her assembly keeps it open for days but in general it can be done easily in a morning. In the vast majority of cases the assemblies are held in Rome rather than around Italy and the reason is very simple: by staying in the capital there are more chances to bring in ministers. Whoever manages to convey more of it cheats and obviously trusts in ample journalistic coverage, based above all on state television.

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