Pension, fired with 37 years of contributions and 59 years of age: can she ask for the women’s option?

Pension, fired with 37 years of contributions and 59 years of age: can she ask for the women's option?


Dear reader,

the version of the Women’s Option introduced by Law 197/2022 in addition to the seniority of contributions of 35 years to be possessed by 31.12.2022 and a registered age from 60 to 58 years (reduced from 60 to 59 years for those with a child and to 58 for those with at least two children) also requires a subjective status.

This will consist either in being at least 74% disabled or, alternatively, caregiver of a severely disabled relative or affine up to the second degree or, again, employed or fired from a company with an open crisis table at the Ministry of Industry and Made in Italy.


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