Pd: still stalemate on the online primaries, the direction is postponed to the afternoon

Pd: still stalemate on the online primaries, the direction is postponed to the afternoon


The start of the National Directorate of the Democratic Party is postponed to the afternoon. The appointment in memory of David Sassoli remains confirmed from 12 noon. This is what sources from the Nazarene report. At the Nazareno, a discussion is underway between the staff of the four candidates for the secretariat on the possibility of opening up to online voting for the primaries as requested by Elly Schlein. Contrary to the Stefano Bonaccini hypothesis. But the negotiation is still deadlocked. Also on the table is the request to move the vote from 19 to 26 February.

Knots that could not be untied during the meetings that took place yesterday and which resumed this morning among the candidates’ Sherpas. The outgoing secretary Enrico Letta also intervened personally to settle the question, who personally interviewed the candidates. Management was scheduled for 12.30.


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