Pd Congress, Orlando and Bettini in favor of Matteo Ricci secretary

Pd Congress, Orlando and Bettini in favor of Matteo Ricci secretary


The crossroads is between a Pd-neo-Labor party or a Pd-movementist a la Podemos: the dem left is divided on this. And on the names, which embody the crossroads. Among the movementist Elly Schlein or Matthew Riccithe mayor of Pesaro, who surprisingly receives the appreciation of Goffredo Bettini and of Andrew Orlando. If it’s not an endorsement yet, we’re close.

Matteo Ricci, here’s who is the possible candidate for the Pd secretariat

by Giovanna Casadio

Andrea Orlando to say, think of a neo-Labour Pd. And he believes it is “hypocritical to say that the currents are fought in the Democratic Party and then a path is chosen for the congress that is equal to the one that generated the currents”. Not only. Rincara: “The middle way that was chosen has brought us to the short circuit we are in”.

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For the former Minister of Labour, training in the PCI, ever since he sold copies of the Unit in front of the factories in La Spezia, with his head and heart on the left, the answer is certain: neo-Labour, or a party that includes “the labor networks, voluntary work, associations, the involvement of trade unions, including local trade unions” and everything that moves in the world of work. If he were willing to run for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, Orlando’s platform would be this: a socialist platform.

Orlando’s indecision

But it’s not from the game. He was already a candidate in the primary and did not win. In these hours, the leader of the left of the party – who has a good following among dem militants, and above all a well-established partnership with Goffredo Bettini and with Dario Franceschini – has been singled out as one who does not know what he wants. Doubtful about Elly Schlein, movementist and leftist, precisely at Podemos; icy towards Stefano Bonaccini; far from Paula DeMicheli. Perhaps with a hope in the drawer: to involve Maurizio Landini in politics, once the role of secretary of the CGIL has been abandoned.

Bonaccini: “My Pd is open and left-wing. Enough with the currents, the opponent is the right”

by Carmelo Lopapa

But now Orlando vents and scatters. He reiterates that he likes Ricci’s “concreteness”: “I appreciate the approach that Matteo Ricci has put in place because he has tried to characterize himself starting from the problems of the country and not in a purely internal dynamic. At the moment it is what, in my opinion , has made a more consistent effort. Naturally we are at the first steps”. Bettini is even more explicit and said yesterday in Pesaro: “I really appreciated the ten points that Ricci fielded, because they seem very reasonable and profound to me, in harmony with many ideas that I too have expressed”.

The question for the dem left, and for Orlando in particular, is that the Democratic Party is in the middle of the ford. The former Minister of Labor had a recipe that was not accepted: “You can’t start from the rear. If you superimpose competition on cooperation, and to our people you say ‘count each other’, it is clear that counting is faster than discussing” . Translated: a constituent of the Democratic Party required time, debate and cooperation. Now the primaries in the gazebo on February 19 are neither early nor late. Or rather they are “the longest electoral campaign there has ever been for a primary”: observes the former minister. In short, the race for names eats up everything else. “Anything but a tactical expedient! My request and that of (a few) others was for a constituent that started from the analysis of the development model”: he reiterates. He has a belief that candidates for the secretariat “will wear out in six months” whoever is elected, if there is a leadership contest and the political entity is not re-founded.

Letta: the times of the congress do not touch each other

The outgoing secretary Enrico Letta for his part he repeats that “there is a need for a new Democratic Party, a new ruling class, new grafts and new energies”. He confirms that the times of the congress do not touch each other: “The congress has good timing, there is enough time but we cannot wait too long because there are those who want to cancel us to oppose it on their own. For this I ask you for your commitment, to do a constituent with the wind against you requires a compact management team and strong nerves. I am determined”.

The roadmap

So the road map remains: on 17 December the public initiative in Rome, on 13 January an event will be organized with experts and citizens to reflect on the party’s policies. The constituent assembly will take place on January 20-23 and from there until February 19 there will be the congress phase that leads to the vote in the gazebos.


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