Pd, Bonaccini: “Schlein guarantees pluralism. Alliances? We are not enough alone”

Pd, Bonaccini: "Schlein guarantees pluralism. Alliances? We are not enough alone"


“The thing that Elly must guarantee is that pluralism lives in the party”, says the president dem, Stefano Bonaccini from Modena, where in a few hours he will meet the secretary Elly Schlein. “We think the same way about most things, we don’t think about others, but I have no doubts that we have the possibility and the duty to find all the necessary mediations for the Democratic Party to present itself with a single voice. I have suffered over the years from continuous divisions in the party. I can’t take any more of that story there”, adds the governor of Emilia Romagna.

From the stage of the “Tempi radicali” festival, organized in Modena da Domani, Bonaccini explains that the goal of the Democratic Party is to reach and surpass FdI in the European elections, in a year’s time. “It is clear that there we must try to become the first party and compete for first place with FdI. We have every possibility”, the president of the Democrats is convinced. Which pushes the party to “focus on rights”, in harmony with Schlein, and to mobilize with M5S and Third Pole on health care: “We bring millions of people to the streets against the cuts”. And speaking of allies, he adds, “we will have to create a framework of alliances, because alone we are not enough, but it is certain that without a Democratic Party, or a healthy Democratic Party, there can be no prospects for the center-left and the right-wing would govern for the next 30 years”.

Political polls, Schlein shortens the gap from Meloni: 8 points between Pd and FdI. 51% do not trust the premier

by the Political editorial staff

Bonaccini also spoke of the third term for the dem governors. Not only of his (possible) his, holding back the race for the succession for the chair of president of Emilia Romagna, but also for that of Campania Vincent DeLuca. “If De Luca has won twice, the citizens obviously appreciated him. So I wouldn’t personalize but I would speak in general about the issue of the third term. When there is a secretariat, the Democratic Party should discuss this issue with the other political forces. But not for De Luca as such”. As for Emilia-Romagna, “it is premature to name names”.

During the speech, the president of the Democratic Party also attacked Ignatius LaRussa, after the statements on Via Rasella. “Here we are no longer in the field of gaffes. By now La Russa has strung together a series of them so it seems to me that I can politely say that the second position in the state is held by those who do not have the characteristics”. And again: “Revisionism is carried out by telling lies only because one is afraid of certifying that Italy is a Republic born on anti-fascism. What should we do, go back to saying that fascism and Nazism have also done good things? Are we kidding? If La Russa wants, can I take him with me to Marzabotto or to Susano’s ‘hole’ where the Nazis threw babies into the air and shot them? Why did this happen”.


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