Pd and Third Pole sign the Magi proposal to overcome the Bossi-Fini

Pd and Third Pole sign the Magi proposal to overcome the Bossi-Fini


If immigration risks dividing the majority, meanwhile, it manages to unite the opposition. Just in the same minutes in which Giorgia Meloni left Palazzo Chigi to go to the town hall of Cutro, the Calabrian town of the shipwreck in which 72 people lost their lives, for an extraordinary Council of Ministers dedicated to immigration, in Montecitorio, in the hall of the constitutional affairs commission, two proposals arrived. The first bears the signature of the Northern League leader Igor Iezzi and goes in the opposite direction to that taken by the government. In fact, if today’s CDM gives the green light to the flow decree for the regular entry into Italy of, it is said, 500,000 migrants, the Northern League, without the support of FdI and FI, are essentially asking for the restoration of an important part of Salvini’s Security decrees. The Iezzi proposal calls for the restoration of various limits to special protection, the legal case granted to asylum seekers who do not meet the stringent criteria for obtaining refugee status, but who, for various reasons, are nonetheless considered worthy of the right to asylum. “Too generic a measure that leaves room for discretion”, say the Carroccio MPs.

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