“Paying for coffee with a card is like having it offered to you”. But there are also those who say long live the Pos

"Paying for coffee with a card is like having it offered to you".  But there are also those who say long live the Pos


journey among traders

The voices of Roman shopkeepers on the government’s proposal to raise the obligation of electronic payment to 60 euros. There are those who say “no one can pay two pastas of two forty euros with an ATM”, but for others there is no going back: “It’s not an obstacle, customers have increased”

George Caruso

Nun se ponno pay two pastas of two euros and forty with the ATM. I agree with the government’s proposal because we can’t stand it anymore with ATMs”, says the owner of a pastry shop in Centocelle, a district in the south-east of the capital. Among the small merchants, there are many in favor of the new rules which the Meloni government has included it in the budget law under discussion in the Chamber. The government wants to raise the threshold beyond which the fine will be triggered for merchants or professionals who do not accept digital payment to 60 euros. What makes many merchants turn up their noses are the transaction costs with payments via Pos, but there are also those who think there is no turning back: “Work has increased. We will continue to offer the same service to customers even with the new law”.

“It’s a matter of education rather than a law. Why can’t you come and pay for a 1 euro coffee with an ATM when you know very well that we have many expenses. I prefer to say the coffee is free”, complains the owner instead of a bar.

On the other hand, the positions of the taxi drivers are divergent and are divided between those in favor and against the measure. “The use of cards under ten euros should be eliminated”, suggests a taxi driver. But there are also those who say: “Now we’re moving towards electronic money, there’s nothing we can do”.


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