Other than the third pole, Calenda is looking for the Democratic Party. The fear of the Renzians

Other than the third pole, Calenda is looking for the Democratic Party.  The fear of the Renzians


For Schlein he is the reformist to talk to to rebuild an alternative camp to the right, he denies rapprochement with the dem, but in Italy alive there are those who think that there is a strategy behind the rift of recent months

Where will it go Charles Calenda? For Elly Schlein is the drinkable interlocutor of the Third Pole, the leader of the reformists with whom one can talk, in perspective the right leg of a new wide field with his Pd in ​​the center (on the left Conte and grillini). During her speech on Monday to the dem management, where the secretary defended herself against those who contested her participation in the M5s demonstration against precariousness, she said it clearly: “Alone we are not enough, I will hear not only Conte, but also Calenda”. And who knows what Action cannot even become a home, a safe haven not even so hostile, to relocate those reformists of the Democratic Party who do not share the left turn. A bit like those who dream of a commune but ultimately opt for a condominium “so everyone has their own kitchen and bathroom”. All together passionately. With one exception: the reviled, the unmentionable but highly nominated Matteo Renzi, also quoted two days ago by the secretary: “I don’t think Renzi is the best suited to give lessons in subordination, given that as soon as he arrived at the Nazarene, Berlusconi invited us to make a pact”. In short, the conviction seems to be this: if he did it once, he can do it again, Renzi looks to the right (the demonstration that Schlein underlined in the direction is the support in Molise of Italy alive for the center-right candidate for governor).

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