Other than excise duties, it is the embargo that threatens fuel prices

Other than excise duties, it is the embargo that threatens fuel prices


Despite the removal of the discounts on diesel and petrol, pump prices remain lower than in March 2022. But the stop on the purchase of Russian petroleum products could shake the market, especially for diesel. No more bonuses, they tell the Mef. But if an emergency situation returned to via XX Settembre they would be ready to reopen the dossier

In the aftermath of the reinstatement of excise duties on fuel, the psychological threshold of two euros was exceeded only for diesel and only in some cases with the serviced mode. However, as per the textbook, the reactions of the oppositions were not long in coming. Pd, Third Polo and Movimento 5 stelle attacked the Meloni government for having chosen to cancel the discounts introduced by the executive led by Mario Draghi, above all pilloriing the inconsistency of the premier and the deputy premier Matthew Salvini. Both, in their previous electoral campaigns, had promised to cut excise duties. But from the government benches, doing the math, the measure has proved too expensive at a time when fiscal space is tight and the economic crisis is widespread: now that pump prices have fallen, it’s better to save the over 7 billion euros that were spent from March to December and divert them to aid bills for the lowest incomes, was the reasoning of the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti.

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