Opposition, wake up! Meloni no longer fights with the April 25 model

Opposition, wake up!  Meloni no longer fights with the April 25 model


Faced with a government that is pursuing many projects that the current opposition had endorsed when it was in government, opposing is not easy and for this reason, a lot of solidarity should be expressed to Giorgia Meloni’s opponents today. To name just one, but the examples could be endless: how do you oppose a tax delegation that is identical to what the current opposition had done in Draghi’s time? It thus happens that in order to look for some opposition capable of forcibly influencing the trajectory of the government majority it is necessary to go poking around more among the benches of the majority than among those of the opposition. The opposition fielded in recent months by Salvini is one of these, of course, and there is no doubt that the posture assumed by the courteous saboteur (copyright by Salvatore Merlo) is there to hurt his goal twin. When Meloni is a pro-European, Salvini is ready to stand as sole guardian of lost sovereignty. When the politicians closest to Meloni show traits of extremism, Salvini is ready to stand as the sole guardian of lost moderation.

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