Only “male” or “female” on the MEP passport, Alessandra Mussolini’s refusal: “I don’t want it, she doesn’t consider gender neutral”

Only "male" or "female" on the MEP passport, Alessandra Mussolini's refusal: "I don't want it, she doesn't consider gender neutral"


“The European Parliament passport? It’s not inclusive, and in protest I canceled my application for a pass because I won’t answer whether I’m a boy or a girl.” With these words Alessandra Mussolini, MEP of Forza Italia and member of the EP group, refused the EU travel document issued by Brussels. To obtain a passport you must indicate your gender, indicated however only with two options: male or female. “There is no option ‘other’ or ‘I don’t want to mention it'”, explained Mussolini, who asked instead to put an ‘x’ in the box indicating gender. But, explains the MEP, the competent office “is told that it cannot be done because it is illegal” and that it is mandatory “to be included in the ‘male’ or ‘female’ category”.

At this point Mussolini provocatively asked: “But isn’t the European Union supranational and is it really needed to move forward and overcome fences? How many times do we testify against gender discrimination and so on?”. Words that are almost astounding, considering that Mussolini was elected to the European Parliament on the Forza Italia lists and that FI in government is allied, in the majority, with the Brothers of Italy. Party which includes those in defense of gender rights, which are very different from those pronounced by Madeleine MorganteFdi deputy who in recent days has asked for the rapper to be excluded in the Chamber of Deputies Rosa Chemicalto the century Manuel Franco Rocati, from the Sanremo Festival because it represents an example of the “gender fluid”.

After the European Parliament official refused his request to insert an ‘x’ in the box in which to indicate gender, Mussolini explains that he canceled his passport application “because if the conventions are always accepted, we will not move forward. And then I sent an email saying that this is a gender discriminatory attitude and that for this reason I do not intend to receive a pass from the EU”.


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