One patient out of 10 gives up the psychologist due to economic problems

One patient out of 10 gives up the psychologist due to economic problems


The psychological well-being of Italians is worsening compared to a year ago. One in ten Italians would like to go to the psychologist, but he is forced to give it up for economic reasons. Almost one in five (17%) has already consulted an expert, a percentage that increases to 25% in the younger population, aged 18 to 35. This is what emerges from the survey carried out by the Piepoli Institute for the National Council of the Order of Psychologists (Cnop) on a representative sample of the Italian population.

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Pandemic and war

For 58% the pandemic has changed people’s relationship with psychological problems: they are more inclined to ask for help (26%), they talk about psychological problems with less shame (20%). Compared to a year ago, however, for 26% of the population, equally between men and women, psychological well-being has worsened, while only 11% has improved (with a balance of -15%). Among the main sources of stress: the economic condition, physical health, rising prices and bills, the work situation, family-work organization and the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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In schools

86% of those interviewed would like the figure of the psychologist to be introduced at school, while 89% believe that psychological assistance is a public right which must be accessible to all free of charge through the National Health Service. According to the survey, almost one in two citizens (47%) would ask an expert for help in case of psychological problems, while 38% would talk about it first with loved ones.

“The investigation – says the president of the Cnop, David Lazzari – confirms the socio-cultural change with respect to psychological problems. More and more people are asking for the same dignity of physical health, both in prevention and in treatment. But there is also a strong delay in guaranteeing public assistance. The human and economic costs of the lack of interventions are a great burden that the whole country pays”.

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