One hundred of these one hundred days. A judgment on the promising Meloni government

One hundred of these one hundred days.  A judgment on the promising Meloni government


Among political enthusiasts, the question of the moment concerns a theme connected to a timeline that usually requires observers to stop for a moment and reflect on the months that have just passed. The question has to do with an overall judgment on the work of the Meloni government, one hundred days after its inauguration, and to answer this question, which we ask ourselves in the Marzullian way, we must not be afraid to make a distinction between prejudices and judgements. This newspaper has nourished many prejudices against the nationalist center-right and if we were to give weight to the promises of Salvini and Meloni the majority would continue to be a danger to Italy. Skeptical about Europe, friend of anti-Europeans, friend of anti-vaccines, friend of tax evaders, hostile to the market, nonchalant about debt, hesitant about the Pnrr, ally of xenophobes.

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