On the Work decree, enthusiasm and catastrophism without a sense of measure

On the Work decree, enthusiasm and catastrophism without a sense of measure


For Giorgia Meloni it is “The most important tax cut”. For Schlein “it is a provocation that steals the future from young people”. Both out of touch with reality. The tax relief is more contained than the cuts by Draghi and Renzi, while the modification of Dignity decree is in line with the proposals of the Democratic Party

The debate about First of May It is on “Work decree” it shows that the sense of proportion has been somewhat lost. On the one hand, the government presents its decree, symbolically approved on Workers’ Day, as a historical provision: “The biggest labor tax cut in decades,” he said Giorgia Meloni. On the other hand, the oppositions describe the government measures approved on May 1st as a disgrace to the workers and a devastation of the labor market: “The decree is an unbearable provocation. It steals the future from the next generations and is a sentence of precariousness,” he says Elly Schlein. “It is the most vulgar restoration, the dreams of young people are killed,” he maintains Joseph Conte.

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