On the Superbonus FI ready to play on the side with Pd and M5s. “The recantation if Meloni intends it”

On the Superbonus FI ready to play on the side with Pd and M5s.  "The recantation if Meloni intends it"


Everyone in Forza Italia agrees that the squeeze on tax credits, albeit justified by public finance needs, blatantly contradicts the commitments undertaken by the party in recent months. So it is clear that we will have to intervene in Parliament”, says Mulè. Even working with the opposition

That there was a risk of insubordination was so clear to Giorgia Meloni that it was no coincidence that she made sure that Antonio Tajani, who also had to flee to the Farnesina to meet the Chinese state councilor Wang Yi, still carve out two minutes of time to present himself at the press conference and claim, too, the squeeze on the Superbonus. Whether it was then a refined cunning of the prime minister, or rather an ingenuity of the foreign minister, is a topic discussed in Forza Italia. “Seeing, moreover, how we were treated this time too”.

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