On the Pnrr, Italy hurts itself. This is why Meloni is in trouble in the negotiations with Brussels

On the Pnrr, Italy hurts itself.  This is why Meloni is in trouble in the negotiations with Brussels


Other than war and inflation. The Fitto Report demonstrates that the bulk of the delays on Recovery depend on our bureaucracy: and in that field, the Commission will not be flexible. Meanwhile, on RePowerEu and changes to the Pnrr, only one certainty: delays are increasing

It must be said that sincerity is not lacking. Why put pen to paper, precisely in the unfortunate weeks of the floods in Romagna, that the two most troubled projects of the Pnrr concern “the management of flood and hydrogeological risk” and “investments in sewage and purification”, both objectives in the hands of the Ministry of ‘Environment, demonstrates that Raffaele Fitto did not want to hide anything in his six-monthly report. However, it also suggests how and why Italy is finding it enormously difficult to justify the requests to change the Plan to Brussels.

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