On the Pnrr Fitto follows the path of continuity indicated by the Quirinale. And on March 30, the check from Brussels arrives

On the Pnrr Fitto follows the path of continuity indicated by the Quirinale.  And on March 30, the check from Brussels arrives


The change to governance proceeds with caution, by virtue of the warnings from Brussels and del Colle. This explains the will of the Melonian minister to confirm Goretti at the top of the mission structure. The choice of the new ambassador to the EU: via Benassi, it’s up to Celeste

Someone feared an earthquake. Some even wished for a general upheaval. The truth is that Raffaele Fitto wants to move very cautiously in the reorganization of the governance of the Pnrr. Et pour cause, given that the European Commission, in a recent update of the Next Generation Eu guidelines in view of the launch of RePowerEu, warned seafarers: “Member states that submit modified plans – reads the document sent to Palazzo Chigi – will be asked to justify precisely how the control structures in charge are still appropriate and, where necessary, how they will be reinforced”. The Melonian minister also discussed this with Ursula von der Leyen’s officials during her diplomatic trip.

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