On energy we need a united Europe. The challenges and some ideas for the government to come

On energy we need a united Europe.  The challenges and some ideas for the government to come


Italy facing the imperative to curb the expensive bills (and the German bazooka). Why it is better to fight for a redistribution mechanism at European level, abandoning some wrong battles, such as the one for the price cap

All the member states of the European Union have committed a substantial portion of their budget to curb the increase in bills. To date, Italy has already spent or committed 60 billion euros, equal to 3.3 points of GDP: more than us, only Greece and Croatia have done. Germany itself has so far proved relatively shrewd, having mobilized around 2.8 per cent of GDP. Now, the 200 billion bazooka (5 per cent of GDP) seems to mess up the games and mark a dangerous overtaking by Berlin, in the name of everyone for themselves. In one of his best known and most effective speeches, On October 10, 1980, Margaret Thatcher wondered what could have prevented Britain from prospering again. “Could it be the prospect of another winter of discontent? I suppose it might. But I prefer to believe that with experience we have learned some lessons, that we will arrive, slowly and with difficulty, to an autumn of understanding. And I hope that afterwards a winter of common sense will come ”. An autumn of understanding is just what Giorgia Meloni would need to face a winter that promises to be very hard due to the energy crisis. The change of baton at Palazzo Chigi offers a unique opportunity to make a coupon to the line followed so far, confirming the initiatives that have proved useful and reviewing, correcting or abandoning those that have not borne fruit.

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