On April 25 in Milan, Valditara: “Let’s celebrate the defeat of fascism, today is a day of unity”

On April 25 in Milan, Valditara: "Let's celebrate the defeat of fascism, today is a day of unity"


MILAN. «I hope that politics will never be divided. I hope today is a day of union and unity, a beautiful testimony of cohesion and serenity, a celebration of our constitutional values”. The Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara this morning in Milan tries to dampen the controversy over the Liberation Day. He does so after having placed a laurel wreath at Palazzo Marino to celebrate April 25 together, among others, with the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala and the president of the provincial PNA, Roberto Cenati.

To those who point out that the wording “Festa della libertà” has been a contested definition, the minister replies: “‘Festa della libertà because fascism had trampled on individual freedoms. Let’s not forget that one of the many faults of fascism was precisely that of having trampled freedoms and therefore a celebration of freedom. Obviously we celebrate the Liberation, but it is also a great celebration of democracy and freedom»’.

Valditara wanted that among the laurel wreaths there was one representing the Ministry of Education «because the school plays a fundamental role as a democratic garrison and as a testimony to the values ​​of our constitution. A Constitution that puts the person at the center and a Constitution that is the most beautiful response to the Nazi-fascist dictatorship. So today is a great celebration of freedom, a celebration that must unite all Italians. A party that celebrates the defeat of fascism and the return of democracy and the return of freedom’».

The mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, on the sidelines of the ceremony, speaking of the controversies and divisions on the Liberation Day underlines: «We make it more difficult than it is. Some feel it, others do not. So I think it’s a question destined to drag on forever like this. Someone doesn’t hear April 25th, you have to get over it. There has always been controversy and there always will be.” And he adds (commenting the letter from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni published today in the Corriere della Sera): «The interviews, the letters to the newspapers honestly are useless, also because they don’t say much. I speak with respect to President Meloni, but even today the letter to Courier what does it add, what does it change compared to what we have always heard? Absolutely nothing. Instead, simply walking among people is something that strengthens the community and we need to strengthen the community.”

In the meantime, the city is preparing for the city procession which will start from the Bastioni di Porta Venezia at 2.30 pm and arrive in Piazza Duomo at 3.30 pm and will see, among others, also the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein, right behind the banner of the Party democratic «Born of the Resistance».


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