Not just mosques: with the FdI bill, Orthodox, Evangelicals and Jehovah’s Witnesses also risk losing their places of worship

Not just mosques: with the FdI bill, Orthodox, Evangelicals and Jehovah's Witnesses also risk losing their places of worship


Jehovah’s Witnesses and some evangelical churches. But also the communities of the so-called “migrant” African or Filipino religious confessions and the Orthodox communities linked to the patriarchate of Moscow or to the Ukrainian patriarchates that are not hosted in Catholic churches. It is the religious confessions that risk being involved in the draft law of the Brothers of Italy, under discussion this week in the merit committees of the Chamber, which defines the places of prayer of confessions that have not signed agreements with the State as “abusive” and that do not have a specific intended use: bill which sees the first signatory party leader of Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Montecitorio, Thomas Fotiand which aims to close above all the…


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