Nordio, Piantedosi, Schillaci and Calderone: the fig leaves of the Meloni government

Nordio, Piantedosi, Schillaci and Calderone: the fig leaves of the Meloni government


Amid fuss over the “anti rave” rule, criminal populism, winks at the No vax and skids on the navigators, the “high profile” ministers have shown little autonomy and submission to the parties

Messes, contradictions, corrections, embarrassments. Probably seeing the departure of the technical ministers of the Meloni government, some exponent independent of the parties who declined the post in top positions, think of the names circulated for the Ministry of Economy, will have found confirmation of the goodness of his choice. Because after the first acts of the government the personalities of “high profile”, like ministers Nordio, Piantedosi, Schillaci and Calderone, which should have filled the reliability and prestige gap of the Meloni government, are turning out to be a kind of fig leaf. All already protagonists of missteps or commissariats by the parties.

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