Nordio gets bogged down in the government swamp

Nordio gets bogged down in the government swamp


Meloni clears the lexicon of postponement. The reform of the judiciary remains vague in the “time schedule”. An “interministerial table” is needed on the seaside resorts, a “reconnaissance” on the reforms. In Rai, the procrastination party wins. It is the sovereign version of Boris’s “we don’t say it but we say it”.

The meaning of the meeting was clear to us from the day before. “I will go and say what should be done, and I will listen to what can be done.” In short, Carlo Nordio understood, despite his resistance to the Roman rituals of politics, that there was a need for a little show. And the rest, his annoyance at the daily countermeaning opposed to him by members of his own majority, of his own Ministry of Justice, as well as the recommendations for continence by Giorgia Meloni (“We do not offer the press the opportunity to fuel controversy”), were the outline of an interview, the one this afternoon at Palazzo Chigi, from which the infamous “time schedule” was defined. Which, from the point of view of the Minister of Justice, is not exactly reassuring.

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