“No to the transfer market”. So Meloni protects FI from Salvini and prepares Atreju in September

"No to the transfer market".  So Meloni protects FI from Salvini and prepares Atreju in September


Ciriani al Foglio: “No passage of the Azzurri with us, their vital role for the government”. The social dance of the leader of the League. And on Thursday’s CDM on justice, the premier hears and sees Gianni Letta

“I don’t see the transfer market: I have no inkling of Italian deputies or senators interested in coming to us. The same, I imagine and hope, towards the League. We need responsibility and respect. The role of Forza Italia for this majority and in this legislature is vital “. the Minister for Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani of FdI tells Il Foglio. The premier wants to freeze the “orphan party” until the Europeans. And you plan to do it with the triumvirs Marina Berlusconi, Gianni Letta and Antonio Tajani. To understand if Forza Italia will be able to run in the center-right, at least at a slow trot, you have decided to rent the Villa Borghese riding track, where the next edition of Atreju, the Brothers of Italy festival, will take place from 13 to 17 September. It will be an opportunity to make an initial assessment, and if anything, to change course. But it’s difficult.

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