«No to ethnic substitution, we must encourage births»- Corriere.it

«No to ethnic substitution, we must encourage births»- Corriere.it


Of Online editorial staff

The Minister of Agriculture at the Cisal national congress: «Migrants? We must fight illegality and help the countries of origin, it is a resource from which one can draw after the internal demand for work has run out”

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Francesco Lollobrigidaspoke at the national congress of Cisal (the Italian Confederation of self-employed workers’ unions), responding to the criticisms on the issue of migrants: «We need to fight illegality also at a European level to stop a wave of migration which, in our opinion, has exceeded objective limits. But also to help the nations of origin to develop and on this Giorgia Meloni, in a few months of government, has taught school”.

“No to ethnic substitution”

«We must also think of the Italy of the day after tomorrow. For these reasons births should be encouraged – continued the minister –

. A welfare system must be built to allow anyone to work, to work and have a family. We cannot give in to the issue of ethnic replacement».

«I consider immigration – explains Lollobrigida – a natural physiological fact, I am the grandson of an emigrant, therefore I am careful not to think that emigration and therefore immigration are a problem. Indeed they become agrowth opportunity for a nation. If there are requests for a workforce, when you have exhausted the internal demand, you can, you must also provide a workforce that comes from other countries. It must be clarified that the first enemy of regular immigration, made through organized flows, is called illegal and clandestine immigration, and it is a path that has been followed so far and that we are trying to change”.

On Citizenship Income

«Whoever can work must be put in a position to do so bearing in mind that every job is more worthy than perceiving the subsidy. You can work very well in agriculture which is now an advanced excellence made up of valid entrepreneurs – continues Lollobrigida, speaking on the basic income -. I’ve heard constructive words that go in the right direction. Political government imposes a program that citizens can choose and which must be implemented. For too long this has not been done. Italy is a republic founded on work, and work also means understanding that one is obliged to contribute to the growth of the nation with one’s own commitment».

«Growth – Lollobrigida underlined – can be pursued in different ways: selling family assets, strategic assets by disbursing bonuses, etc. and going into debt to get consent as others have done. Then there is what we want to do, that is to invest to make the nation grow. This is also why we said we were against the basic income”.

Article being updated…

April 18, 2023 (change April 18, 2023 | 15:04)


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