“No to a council reshuffle, yes to new additions”. Gualtieri negotiates with his advisers

"No to a council reshuffle, yes to new additions".  Gualtieri negotiates with his advisers


“Now this bad habit has to stop.” After Elly Schlein’s primary win, in the Campidoglio the polemical muttering of the councilors of the Democratic Party towards the mayor Roberto Gualtieri started again stronger than ever. An increasingly large handful of councilors are calling for a reshuffle in the bargain. While from the Capitol they let it be known to Sheet that no reshuffle is foreseen “because the mayor is satisfied with the work of the junta”, on the other hand, “new ‘grafts’ in the large square of the Capitol” are not excluded. In practice, Gualtieri will not review his junta, but he does not rule out staff positions or the appointment of new mayoral delegates. Meanwhile, he needs to understand what happened.

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