No motion of no confidence in Piantedosi. The Democratic Party is waiting to divide the majority

No motion of no confidence in Piantedosi.  The Democratic Party is waiting to divide the majority


Do you distrust Piantedosi? Yes, no, god. The Democratic Party has understood that what happened off the coast of Cutro must be fought without hesitation. At the same time though the dems do not want to run the risk of looking like those who speculate on a tragedy in which over sixty people died (an accusation that also arrived yesterday punctually from the benches of the majority, in particular from those of the Northern League). And above all he doesn’t want to help consolidate the majority where something obviously didn’t work. In short we need to accuse the government, but substantiating the serious requests with facts, without trying to force your hand right away. And also avoiding the risk of the Pavlovian reflex: of asking individual ministers to resign after any stumbling block, even when things have not yet been clarified and there is room for disarticulate the majority. So calm down. And so after the new secretary dem Elly Schlein had asked for Piantedosi’s resignation last week. Yesterday when the Minister of the Interior arrived at Montecitorio to reconstruct what happened on the night between 25 and 26 February off the coast of Calabria, that request did not translate into a concrete act. In a no-confidence motion to be proposed also to Third Pole and M5s.

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