Next Sunday regional in Friuli Venezia Giulia: here are the candidates. Pd and M5S together

Next Sunday regional in Friuli Venezia Giulia: here are the candidates.  Pd and M5S together


Friuli Venezia Giulia will go to the vote on 2nd and 3rd April next. A total of thirteen lists enter the electoral arena, in support of four presidential candidates, namely the outgoing president Massimiliano Fedriga, Massimo Moretuzzo, Alessandro Maran and Giorgia Tripoli. The recipes on healthcare, immigration, school and energy will outline the Region’s prospects for the future.

All lists

Forza Italia Berlusconi, the European People’s Party, the Brothers of Italy, Fedriga President, Responsible Autonomy, Lega Fvg for Salvini have lined up for Fedriga. Moretuzzo is instead supported by six lists: Slovenska skupnost, Movimento 5 Stelle, Democratic Party, Pact for Autonomy, Open Sinistra Fvg, Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra. For Alessandro Maran there are Action – Italy Viva – +Europe – Renew Europe. Finally, Giorgia Tripoli has the support of Insieme libera, inspired by No Vax.

Fedriga looking for confirmation

“At a rough guess I can tell you that the governor of the Lega Massimiliano Fedriga will win with at least double the votes of the competitor on the left”. The forecast is due to the Minister of Infrastructure and federal secretary of the Carroccio Matteo Salvini. Fedriga, born in 1980, has been at the helm since 3 May 2018 and has led the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces since 9 April 2021. He was a deputy in the Chamber for three legislatures and leader of the League from 2014 to 2018. Married to Elena, he has two sons, James and John.

Pd and M5S together

“Full support” for the continuation of the path in coalition with the progressive political forces has arrived from the Friulian members. Born on 5 February 1976 in Udine, also married with two children, a degree in Educational Sciences, Massimo Moretuzzo is an entrepreneur. Former mayor of Mereto di Tomba, he holds the position of regional secretary of the Pact for Autonomy which he represented as a councilor in the last assembly. Several prominent exponents of both major forces were spent on his electoral campaign. Pierluigi Bersani is a «young but experienced candidate, who has the ability to interpret the social issue. He is close to those who experience daily life with more difficulty and at the same time he knows how to look to the future ».

Q&A on healthcare

The first confrontation between the contending suitors was staged in Gorizia, moderated by the directors of the SmallRoberta Giani, and del Veneto messenger, Paolo Mosanghini, a battery of eight questions in a minute and a half, sometimes interrupted by some objection from the public. “We risk a depletion of health care, it must be public and must be supported as such,” said Moretuzzo, explaining his priorities. «We have tried to implement an important personnel policy, we have increased investments in health care, but not everything has been resolved, the critical issues are at a national level. Seriousness is needed on this issue, not slogans», Fedriga replies. “It is an issue to be addressed in a bipartisan way, because it takes time” to reform it, underlined Maran, and “we must also stop redesigning the perimeter of the healthcare companies”. “Healthcare companies must stop being companies and become healthcare units, without aiming for savings,” Tripoli concluded.


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