New Year’s fires poison 120 waste-to-energy plants a year

New Year's fires poison 120 waste-to-energy plants a year


Go explain it to Giuseppe Conte or to Giorgia Meloni’s candidate for the presidency of Lazio, Francesco Rocca: the miniciccioli thrown away and exploding on New Year’s Eve were ten, twenty, fifty dumpsters of dissolved rubbish, set on fire with a match and petrol to poison the air we breathe. Other than a waste-to-energy plant in Rome. And so in those same cities whose left-wing mayors, greens, grillini and lean sovereigns oppose the construction of controlled, technologically advanced plants built by engineers, physicists and biologists, those waste-to-energy plants necessary in Rome as in Campania in Giugliano, in Gioia Tauro in Calabria, in Catania or in Palermo, here in the night between 31 December and 1 January clouds and fine dust arose from those cities drowning in untreated rubbish that an incinerator would not produce even in a hundred years.

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