New Year’s Eve with La Liga. “No more rip-offs: Salvini is now the minister for the south”

New Year's Eve with La Liga.  "No more rip-offs: Salvini is now the minister for the south"


The ‘Save Sicily’ rule, while the Veneto waits in vain for autonomy, once again unleashes the base of the party. “We’re not Lapland”, the anger of MEPs and local administrators: “In 2023, either you change or you die”

The last affront has arrived under the tree. Imagine: to our dear Sicily, with affection, signed Lega for Salvini premier. Except that in the envelope there is not the banknote of an old uncle, but the ad hoc amendment loudly requested by the governor Schifani of Forza Italia. It serves to defer the debt accumulated during the Musumeci presidency and now contested by the Court of Auditors over the next ten years, instead of three. Stuff worth 866 million euros. And instead to the Veneto, a diligent little nephew who for some time has only been asking for autonomy in his letter? Anything. Not even coal, “or cement for our foothills”, he sighs Fabricius Boron. “I wonder why save Sicily with everything it has received so far”, he continues Gianantonio Da Re. “Incomprehensible choice”, echoes Roberto Marcato. Gianpaolo Vallardi answers for everyone: “By now Salvini is the minister for the south”. And the four of them – in order: regional councilor, MEP, councilor and former senator – are the soul of the old Liga which does not give up. He has been on a war footing against the party leaders for at least a year. “The next? Let it be that of the revolution. And of the federal state”.

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