musical quotations and catchphrases –

musical quotations and catchphrases -


Of Fabrizio Roncone

From Daniele Silvestri to Niccol Fabi passing through Diodato, we are not in Elly’s Pantheon but in Elly’s Sanremo: it will be liked (perhaps) by young people but it causes a certain disturbance not only among already critical executives

The next day, read better and stripped down, listened to on social networks, of the speech given by Elly Schlein to the national leadership of the Democratic Party, essentially a couple of points remain. The generic call to a militant summer and the extravagant evocation of a mixed soundtrackthe poetic phrases and refrains of some songwriters used as political glue for a relationship that should instead have finally illuminated a path, indicated a strategy, given substance to an agenda so far full of slogans and delays. We are not even in Elly’s Pantheon: we are in Elly’s Sanremo. Which will (perhaps) please you ggyoung. But it causes a certain disturbance not only among the managers who are already critical, if not openly hostile (from Stefano Bonaccini to Lorenzo Guerinipassing through Gianni Cuperlo and ending at Beppe Sala And Michele Emiliano), but also among those who, officially, still support it (they remain silent, but you should see with what long faces).

Bosses and bosses hiss worried. They recall the interventions in the direction of the previous secretaries. Enrico Letta he quoted Pope Francis and Jacques Delors, Luigi Pirandello and Alessandro Manzoni (later, oh well: the minister Francesco Lollobrigida would have discovered that Manzoni was a heroic patriot), and only once did Letta mention the Scorpions musical group (more than anything else, it was said, to make a little fig). And Matteo Renzi? He went from Blaise Pascal (The heart has its reasons that reason does not understand, tailored for him, Renzi) to John Steinbeck, from Joseph Conrad to Richard III, with the amazing monologue of the worst villain in the Shakespearean universe.

Dario Franceschini ranged from Aldo Moro to Victor Hugo, Nicola Zingaretti from Gramsci to Greta Thunberg. The famous metaphors of Pier Luigi Bersani they were so effective that they were studied by Umberto Eco. And – many dem say bitterly – let’s leave the founder of the party alone, Walter Veltroniwhich placed us between Enrico Berlinguer and don Milani, between Vittorio Foa and TS Eliot.

Elly, on the other hand, relies on Daniel Silvestri (among other things, very good at his job). Pd divided? Let’s focus on the things we have in common, which are 4,850…. TO Niccol Fabi, dreaming of the journey that should take her from the primaries to Palazzo Chigi: Between the start and the finish line, there is everything else. Finally, Schlein questions herself and answers (quoting Diodate): If our constituents were asked to dedicate a song to us, one of them would probably be Make noise.

Not indistinct, perhaps. Not full of sound bites (They didn’t see us coming), empty (Make yourself comfortable) or similar to authentic supercazzole from Count Mascetti/Ugo Tognazzi (cit. My friends), like the one on the waste-to-energy plant in Rome, which went viral on the web: We inherit choices that have already been made, and it is not on this that our strategy is measured. But it is no mystery that, in general, we like to take the Democratic Party towards the future, and this means building positive cycles of circularity that come out of the linear model.

The most cynical of the dem caciques, thinking about the next European Championships, Lucio Dalla hums softly: The year that is coming / in a year it will pass / I’m getting ready / this is the news….

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June 21, 2023 (change June 21, 2023 | 07:04)


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