More than three thousand hires in the Public Administration Zangrillo: “A modern public machine”

More than three thousand hires in the Public Administration Zangrillo: "A modern public machine"


In the decree signed by the government, 50,000 new teachers are also envisaged. The control room and the appointment of an extraordinary commissioner for the drought emergency have been confirmed

I am more than three thousand recruitments in the public sector provided for by the government, which issued an ad hoc decree law in yesterday’s Council of Ministers. But that’s not the only novelty: even in the school, on the directive of Minister Valditara, an extraordinary plan is being prepared for the permanent hiring of 50,000 teachers. The CDM then formalized the establishment of one Control room and the appointment of an extraordinary commissioner to deal with the drought emergency, which will be coordinated directly by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Infrastructure. Below all the measures in detail.

New hires

Despite the announcements of the last few days, which gave a probable reduction in the amount of recruitments, the government has given the green light to three thousand new posts in the public administration. More than two thirds of these – a sum that is around 2100 units – are intended for law enforcement agencies and in particular for the Coast Guard, which will see an increase in the workforce of 390 people. “The objective of this intervention is to generally improve the functioning of the state”, explained the Minister of Public Administration Paolo Zangrillo, in an interview with Il Messaggero. “These are all necessary skills for a truly modern public machine”.

As for the school, the government has approved the permanent hiring of 50,000 new teachers, in a plan that complements that envisaged by the Pnrr which sets a target of another 70 thousand units. In detail, new teachers will be recruited on the basis of the rankings of the competition winners: they will be selected from those who, despite their eligibility, have not yet been hired. But in the 50,000 share, about half of the teachers will be assigned to support children with disabilities: in this case, the extraordinary procedure provides for a year of probation, at the end of which a selective exam will take place. “The conditions are created for a smooth start to the year, didactic continuity and quality of teaching, answers for disability and precariousness”, commented the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara in a tweet.


To address the water emergency in Italy, within ten days the government will have to appoint an extraordinary commissioner who will work together with a special control room: the choice is up to the Prime Minister, with a special decree from the Prime Minister. The first task of the two structures will be a survey of the urgent works and those to be entrusted to the special commissioner: the latter may replace, in the event of non-compliance, the subjects who have to carry out the works. The objective of the decree passed by the government is in fact to speed up intervention procedures in the field of water infrastructure, first of all to plug the leaks in a supply network that loses 20 percent of the water it carries. From “lakes” for irrigation to seawater desalination plants, the government decree is divided into sixteen articles which give an initial direction to the interventions which will then be decided by the control room and the commissioner.

Against the brain drain

With the Pa decree, according to what has been learned, comes an “increase in compensation of up to 30 percent for researchers who win research funding, such as for example the Gant Horizon and Marie Curie projects”. The regulation, it is explained, “is designed to encourage research doctorates to stay in Italy and, at the same time, to attract new ones from abroad. Today, Gant winners can decide to carry out their research project elsewhere, leaving one’s institute of origin and bringing with him the financial dowry. The introduction of the law is an incentive to stay in Italy and to attract researchers from abroad”.


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