«More diplomatic action, not just military. The party? It’s time to recompose»- Corriere.it

«More diplomatic action, not just military.  The party?  It's time to recompose»- Corriere.it


Of Maria Theresa Meli

Former PD minister: “For the first time we have female and feminist leadership, a historic factor”

Andrea Orlando, does the Democratic Party change its skin?

«Every time there is a change of the guard at the top, this discussion opens up. It happened with Bersani, with Renzi, with Zingaretti. The identity of the party entrusted to the choice of leadership often leads to this type of interpretation. But the real news today is another: for the first time there is a female and feminist leadership and this is a factor of historical importance».

What are you waiting for now?

«I expect the Democratic Party to pick up on the message that comes from Schlein’s victory, the demand for innovation in political culture, and connect to what are the platforms of the other European parties of socialist and progressive inspiration. I am referring to issues such as the fight against inequalities, the energy and ecological transition, the recognition of gender equality, the recognition of the role of work. These are issues that have been common currency for the other progressive forces for years, while in Italy they have been slow to establish themselves because here the residues of the Third Way have had more weight, which by now exist only here and which some are improperly defined as social democrats, while also the social democracy has long been elsewhere”.

Will there be unified management?

«I think there is a need, after the polarization of the primaries, for a recomposition. The how must be evaluated together and I believe that all the conditions are in place for this to happen positively. The declarations of Schlein and Bonaccini go in this direction».

Will the line change on Ukraine?

«The need to have an approach that links the issue of defense of Ukraine and military support with the demand for a stronger diplomatic initiative is absolutely transversal throughout the Democratic Party. There hasn’t been a polarization on this point. Different approaches, different sensitivities, close relationships with the pacifist world and the Catholic world are present in both motions. And I am convinced that it is an asset and not a weakness because our role, if we want to perform a political function, is not only to reaffirm which side we are on but also to try to ensure that things can evolve in the direction of peace”.


«I repeat, with continued support for Ukraine, I think the Democratic Party should aim to strengthen multilateral initiatives aimed at overcoming the logic of the arms race. The more a possible escalation looms, the more this need becomes fundamental. From this point of view, but this is my strictly personal assessment, the fact that the Chinese plan is judged negatively on the European front is legitimate, but it would also be interesting to understand what the EU contrasts with the Chinese plan”.

Will relations in the opposition change?

“The takeover bid in progress against the Pd has been blocked. First there was talk of the Meloni-Conte bipolarity, now of the Meloni-Schlein one. A healthy Pd is a party that is able to act as a catalyst for a coalition . You don’t form a coalition when your potential allies see you as prey. From now on it may no longer be the case. Then it is said that there is not a common platform of all the opposition forces immediately; however, in the meantime, you can try to do battles together».

Will he step back?

“Look, I don’t have any specific party or parliamentary position. So it would be more correct to ask if I want to take a step forward. It seems reasonable to me that a renewed and inclusive management team should be formed. In any case, I would not have imagined a direct involvement in the organizational work of the party after the government experience».

Members disavowed by gazebos.

«I believe that in the million people who went to vote there were many former members and in any case voters of the Democratic Party who have been disappointed over the years. I do not believe in the contrast between the nature of the vote of the members and that of the open primaries ».

February 28, 2023 (change February 28, 2023 | 22:25)


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