“Moratti remains Salvini’s candidate. Fontana is arid. Inadequate”. Speak Majorino

"Moratti remains Salvini's candidate. Fontana is arid. Inadequate".  Speak Majorino


Pierfrancesco Majorino, is he touchy? “I’m not.” We are calling from Rome and in Rome, respectfully speaking, nobody knows it. It is known that he is an MEP of the Democratic Party and that the Democratic Party has decided to bet on her. You will be the candidate in the next regional elections of Lombardy on 12 February. He will have to race against Attilio Fontana and Letizia Moratti. But she, in short, who is she? “One who will fight head on. A politician engaged in social work, councilor for social services in Milan for eight years. Passion and coherence of behaviour, that’s what they are”. Her first card? “Federation of Communist Youth in 1987”. Her references? “I trained on Vittorio Foa’s books”. They describe her as arch left. Does she find herself? “My left is not the resentful left”. Is he a movementist as they suggest? “If it means not being dogmatic, I claim it. I do not accept it if you intend not to assume government responsibilities. I take them on.”

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