Monti’s solution for the ratification of the Mes “mortifies the intelligence of the Italians”

Monti's solution for the ratification of the Mes "mortifies the intelligence of the Italians"


Senator Mario Monti, in the coat of a political obstetrician, wants to help the Meloni government bring about the ratification of the Mes. Thus in the Corriere della Sera he offers the solution to get out of the opposition that “mortifies the intelligence of the Italians” between the two factions: “Some attribute a salvific value to the Mes, the others see in the ratification of this treaty the antechamber of damnation”. And so Monti offers the egg of Columbus, to please both: it would be enough, writes the former Prime Minister, to add to the ratification law or to a contextual agenda an article which reads: “Parliament commits the government not to use the financial instruments envisaged therein, without specific authorization from Parliament”. We understand the senator’s good intentions, but his proposal is based on two fictions. The first is this imaginary contrast between those who give the Mes a “salvific value” and those who see it as “the antechamber of damnation”.

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