Minimum wage, because there will be no minimum wage in Italy (Parliament’s vote against and the consequences) –

Minimum wage, because there will be no minimum wage in Italy (Parliament's vote against and the consequences) -


The centre-right majority has scuttled the introduction of a minimum wage. On the evening of November 30, all five motions presented in the Chamber by the oppositions were rejected, while the latter tried – in vain – to regroup and then vote on the separate proposals and keeping distances on some points. In the end, the only one that passes – obviously – is the text decided by the centre-right with a very general commitment to achieving the objective of protecting workers’ rights, but precisely not with the introduction of the minimum wage. The list of initiatives that could be considered as an alternative range from extending the effectiveness of the most representative national collective agreements to encouraging the opening of a discussion table with the social partners to reduce the tax wedge and labor costs.

Third pole breaks the front of the oppositions

During the discussion, the former Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando had tried to unite the minority: We are not planting flags, the front must be as broad as possible because it is a crucial battle for the country. But in the end, Action-Italia Viva dissociate themselves and go their own way, once again gathering suspicions that the Third Pole agrees with the majority. For the leader of the M5S Giuseppe Conte, who made the minimum wage one of the main themes of the electoral campaign, the majority of the government turns its back on those on starvation wages, while the Meloni government abandons workers in difficulty.

The differences between M5S and Pd

For the first time, with the exclusion of Action-Italia Viva, a common front was seen among the opposition forces. And in fact Pd, M5S and the Green-Left Alliance vote not only for their own motions but also for those of others, thus trying to affirm a unified position. Some gaps remain on the quantification of the salary threshold. In fact, the Movement – as reported by five-star parliamentary sources – does not vote for the entire motion of the Democratic Party: the exception is the part in which the minimum threshold of the overall economic treatment paid to workers is set at 9.50 euros per hour. With that wording – the same sources explain to LaPresse – we end up including not only the social security contributions, as in our proposal and that of Avs, but also other items such as the thirteenth month installment and the maternity contribution. The effective minimum wage proposed by the Pd would therefore be much lower than the 9 euros per hour which for us must represent the minimum wage gross of only social security contributions. The majority forces thank you.


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