Minenna’s last act at Customs: the strange competition for 40 executive positions

Minenna's last act at Customs: the strange competition for 40 executive positions


What doesn’t add up in the selection launched by the director of the Agency before the new government changes its leadership. From the modalities to the topics chosen for the exam, up to the forced rhythms imposed on the commission. At stake are new hires with an average salary of 100,000 euros a year

End of season shots at the Customs Agency, kingdom of Marcellus Minenna, Contiana nomination resisted even in the Draghi era. And the flash competition in Piazza Mastai was born out of the race against a spoil system that seems inevitable. At stake are 40 executive positions (15 percent of the workforce). Average salary: 100,000 euros per year. Everything seems to be taking place with abnormal haste and in defiance of the documented protests of the unions who are asking for its annulment. The affair ended up on the table of the Ministry of Economy, with the intention of changing the top management of the Agency shortly. In the meantime, there is no shortage of things that don’t add up.

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