Milleproroghe: towards the end of the extension of the superbonus for villas, more time for young mortgage applications. The proposal on sports capital gains has been withdrawn

Milleproroghe: towards the end of the extension of the superbonus for villas, more time for young mortgage applications.  The proposal on sports capital gains has been withdrawn


The Government has decided to withdraw some amendments presented to the Milleproroghe Decree in the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of the Senate. Among others, as announced, the proposal on capital gains in the sport sector was withdrawn. Furthermore, according to what is learned, the amendment which allowed until 31 December 2026 to derogate from the prohibition for retired PA employees to be appointed to top positions in national bodies, institutes or companies was also withdrawn. , within the competence of the state administration, by constitutional bodies, subject to the favorable opinion of the parliamentary commissions.
Even the superbonus extension of villas at risk
The amendment by Fratelli d’Italia to the Milleproroghe decree signed by Francesca Tubetti (FdI) which provides for the extension from 31 March to 30 June of the Superbonus to 110% for the ‘villas’ could be withdrawn. This was reported by parliamentary sources, on the sidelines of the work of the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of the Senate. The government allegedly considered the issue not among those to be assessed in the context of the decree and therefore did not give a favorable opinion.

Government decisions are also awaited on three fronts: bathing, health and education. “On this – explains the FdI senator Marco Lisei – we are pending awaiting the evaluations of the executive”. «Good further extension for the free dehors. We continue to bear witness to how close the government is to one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic,” said Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè.


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