Milleproroghe, green light to the Chamber: there is trust. Here’s what changes for superbonus, young mortgages, seaside resorts, smart working, electronic prescription

Milleproroghe, green light to the Chamber: there is trust.  Here's what changes for superbonus, young mortgages, seaside resorts, smart working, electronic prescription


The session in the Chamber of the Chamber ended, where the government gave its opinion on the agenda for the milleproroghe decree-law. The examination of the text, on which the government won its trust in the afternoon, will resume tomorrow at 9.30, with the vote on the agendas. the final and definitive vote on the text should arrive around lunchtime.
The law decree originally presented by the Government was made up of 23 articles which contained a substantial number of extensions in various sectors. During the examination in the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of the Senate, these articles were enriched with various paragraphs and a further 22 articles were also introduced. The new extensions range from “smart working” to electronic prescriptions, from “cashback” to mortgages for young precarious workers, from municipal taxes to “dehors”. After a tug-of-war in the majority, a shared solution was found on the issue of seaside concessions. Basically, the deadline for mapping concessions is extended by five months, beach concessions are extended by one year and a table is set up at Palazzo Chigi with the presence of the ministries concerned and trade associations. The ‘transfer’ in this provision of the Legislative Decree on the health ‘pay back’ has also been decided.
The changes approved by the Commissions include the extensions to 30 June of ‘smart working’ for fragile private employees and for those parents of children under 14 and for fragile employees of the Public Administration. The extensions also extend throughout 2023 forecasts relating to the Fund for new skills. Ok also to the extension to the end of 2023 of the simplified rules for the “dehors” which had been envisaged to deal with the Covid emergency. The scope of the ‘fiscal truce’ has been extended for the Municipalities in relation to local taxes, such as fines and Imu: in addition to the extension to 31 March to communicate the “non-adherence”, the Municipalities are given the option, within the same date, to apply the full cancellation provided for by paragraph 222 of the Budget law for pending outstanding amounts up to one thousand euros. The obligation has been introduced for motorway concessionaires to send the economic-financial plans to the parliamentary commissions on an annual basis. The deadline for the payment of the advance for the takeover of the new concessionaire of the A22 motorway for the year 2022 has also been extended until 15 November 2023. An extension to 31 December 2025 has also been approved for the Extraordinary Commissioner for the safety of the Gran Sasso water system. Nep-Bof obligation for motorway concessionaires to annually send the economic-financial plans to the parliamentary commissions. The deadline for the payment of the advance for the takeover of the new concessionaire of the A22 motorway for the year 2022 has also been extended until 15 November 2023. An extension to 31 December 2025 has also been approved for the Extraordinary Commissioner for the safety of the Gran Sasso water system. Nep-Bof obligation for motorway concessionaires to annually send the economic-financial plans to the parliamentary commissions. The deadline for the payment of the advance for the takeover of the new concessionaire of the A22 motorway for the year 2022 has also been extended until 15 November 2023. An extension to 31 December 2025 has also been approved for the Extraordinary Commissioner for the safety of the Gran Sasso water system. Nep-Bof An extension to 31 December 2025 has also been approved for the Extraordinary Commissioner for the safety of the Gran Sasso water system. Nep-Bof An extension to 31 December 2025 has also been approved for the Extraordinary Commissioner for the safety of the Gran Sasso water system.
Another 6 months for renewable energies
As regards the Pnrr-Pniec technical commission, the possibility of carrying out institutional activities electronically has been extended to 30 June 2024, in order to respond to the needs of agility and speed of work and the decisions to be taken. The presentation of applications for access to the ‘enhanced’ guarantees of the First Home Guarantee Fund for mortgages by young couples or single-parent families with minor children or young people under 35 was instead extended to 30 June this year with an atypical employment contract and with an income not exceeding 40 thousand euros. Green light also for a mini-extension (from 16 to 31 March) for communications to the Revenue Agency of the 2022 expenses for the superbonus. In 2023, Consap will continue its technical secretarial activities in support of the Technical Commission for the management of refunds and Fir disputes with a maximum allocation of 750 thousand euros. And the deadline of 31 July has also been set to conclude the refunds of the cashback program which ended at the end of 2021 with an allocation of 700 thousand euros. An extension has also arrived on renewable sources: six more months to implement the delegation for the simplification of the authorization procedures for renewable sources. The use of updated price lists within the framework agreements for public works signed by 31 December 2021 against the cost of materials has also been extended to 2023. Also for companies, the number of exporting companies that can take advantage of the subsidized loans provided for by the Ukrainian decree of February 2022 is being expanded. The end of the tax credit regime in favor of companies that make investments in new capital goods (it is the so-called bonus 4.0). Finally, the possibility for companies to employ workers with temporary contracts for periods exceeding 24 months without triggering the establishment of a permanent employment relationship is extended until 30 June 2025. And the extension of the pension slide from 4 to 7 years will be valid until 2026.
The health package
A substantial ‘package’ of bipartisan changes concerned the health sector: an additional allocation of 20 million over 2 years for the national cancer plan; one-year extension (to 31 December 2024) of the possibility of sending the electronic prescription by e-mail; possibility for foreign medical and nursing staff to continue to operate in Italy until the end of 2025; possibility for nurses to be able to provide freelance services also for 2023; two-year extension, until 2025, of the possibility of hiring postgraduate students with fixed-term subordinated contracts; possibility for trainees to work in emergency rooms, pediatrics and general practitioners; possibility for paediatricians and general practitioners to work up to the age of 72; extension of the liquidator bodies of the Red Cross.


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