Migrants, the majority agrees on the stop to special protection: “No more amnesties for illegal immigrants”

Migrants, the majority agrees on the stop to special protection: "No more amnesties for illegal immigrants"


«The majority on the special protection filed a single sub-amendment with the Commission. Our common goal is to prevent the legitimate need to protect foreigners persecuted in their countries from turning into de facto amnesties for all illegal immigrants arriving in Italy, as happened with the yellow-red government and with Minister Lamorgese. The idea that anyone can sooner or later obtain a residence permit has undoubtedly favored departures. In recent weeks we have worked united and compact in support of the government to make improvements to the decree, so that it can be converted with the most effective text possible”. This was declared by the signatories of the sub-amendment Daisy Pirovano (Lega), Marco Lisei (Fdi) and Maurizio Gasparri (Fi).

Expulsions for health reasons
The conditions that legitimize the expulsions of foreigners from Italy for health reasons are also becoming more rigid. The sub-amendment to the migrant decree, proposed by the majority in the Senate, effectively requests that the ban on expulsion apply in the case of “health conditions deriving from particularly serious pathologies, which cannot be adequately treated in the country of origin”, and no longer in the event of “serious psychophysical conditions or deriving from serious pathologies”, as currently envisaged by legislative decree no. 286 of 1998, the consolidated text on immigration. Furthermore – in the intentions of the majority – those foreigners who cannot be expelled will no longer be able to have a residence permit convertible into a work permit.

Meanwhile Interior Minister Piantedosi with regard to the state of emergency launched by the government, he explains: «I have deep respect for the CEI, I agree if the emergency is seen in a technical way; there is no immigration alarm in Italy. There is a more acute issue of management in the landing places, but the state of emergency mentioned, the provision adopted by the Government, is nothing more than a technical formula which, moreover, has also been used in a less controversial way such as the model used for Ukrainian refugees, and I don’t think anyone wanted to say that there was an emergency regarding the arrivals of Ukrainians».

“We are facing an absurd government that first brings to Parliament a wrong decree, made only for propaganda, then declares a state of emergency”. Thus the president of the senators of the Democratic Party Francesco Boccia. «Today Piantedosi declassifies it as a technical fact but the majority, dominated by the League, presents amendments to that decree which overturn and abolish the special protection. Continuous contortions that confirm that this right does not know and cannot solve a structural problem such as immigration and therefore relies on pure propaganda measures, on the skin of migrants, which will not solve anything but will only widen the borders of illegality and the underground . We are faced with choices that have nothing to do with humanity but are the result of a dangerous demagoguery: migrants are not looking for the nearest port for ‘special protection’ but because they are fleeing war and hunger”.

It echoes him Pierfrancesco Majorino of the Pd secretariat on twitter. «The government wants to remove the ‘special protection’ for migrants. The only result of a choice that follows Salvini’s will be to generate new homeless people, irregular people, new victims of exploitation. And then, of course, ride the fear. A real shame.”


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