Migrants, maritime surveillance passes to Crosetto. Meloni will not see the bodies of the shipwrecked

Migrants, maritime surveillance passes to Crosetto.  Meloni will not see the bodies of the shipwrecked


In the draft of the decree, the coordination passes to the exponent of FdI thus bypassing Piantedosi and the coast guard which depends on the ministry led by Salvini. The premier will not go to the Crotone building, disputes are expected

From our correspondent in Cutro. The political turning point is contained in the last article of the draft on the flow decree that is being circulated in the morning: the integrated coordination of maritime surveillance will be in the hands of the Ministry of Defence, in collaboration with the other administrations involved, complete with a decree from the Prime Minister. The text that will be approved today in Cutro by the CDM passed the scrutiny of the pre-Council of Ministers this morning. If this line will be confirmed it means that the government has decided to remove the coordination from Matteo Piantedosi’s Interior Ministry and from the coast guard that depends on the Ministry of Infrastructure, that of Matteo Salvini, to give more powers to Guido Crosetto, head of the Defense and leading exponent of the Brothers of Italy. Or at least not wanting to be malicious, Palazzo Chigi decides to create a new structure to better coordinate Interior and Infrastructure. Little changes.

Here the draft of the decree

This is one of the most important novelties of the measure. The other twist is theincreased sentences of up to 30 years for traffickers in the event of the death of more than one migrant at sea. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is expected in Cutro at 2.45 pm with all ministers in tow. The country is armored by the forces of order. Writings against Matteo Piantedosi and the government appeared on the walls of the buildings. Meloni’s program is very compressed: everything will take place in Cutro. You will not go to Crotone, to the Palazzetto dello sport, where the bodies of the victims are found. For the moment, even a symbolic gesture at sea on a small boat is excluded. The weather conditions do not allow it.

  • Simone Canettieri

  • Viterbese, 1982. On paper since September 2020 as editor. Eight years for the Messenger (in the news and for the politician). Even earlier in Emilia Romagna as a correspondent (between the birth of the M5s and the earthquake), in Florence as editor of the Nuovo Corriere (dealing with crime and judicial news every morning). He started in Viterbo at 19 with skating and minor football, then at 26 he got his first job. He has written for Oggi, Linkiesta, travel and gastronomy inserts. He collaborated with RadioRai, but also with local television and radio stations that never paid. Agnes 2020 Award for printed paper in Italy.


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