Migrants decree, why the League pushes for the de facto abolition of special protection and what it means

Migrants decree, why the League pushes for the de facto abolition of special protection and what it means


«Special protection is an Italian unicum that creates attractive conditions for immigration and we will eliminate it. Italy already guarantees asylum, but special protection will be canceled with the conversion of the Immigration Decree”. Word of the Undersecretary of the Interior Nicola Molteni (Lega), in reference to the Cutro decree under examination by the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate where the The government has already presented its maxi-amendments which, among other things, exclude the possibility of hosting asylum seekers in the network of the reception and integration system managed with the Municipalities and Paletti and introduce palettes for international protection.

The two lines of Lega and Fdi

In reality, in the end a majority sub-amendment was filed in the Senate committee which is a compromise between the belligerent demands of the League and the more “moderate” ones of Fdi and Forza Italia. While the League pushed for a substantial slap in the towel for special protection and spoke of a “return to the Salvini decrees”, the Fdi exponents lowered their tones, assuring that “there is no return to the Salvini decrees”. The premier just wants to tighten the shirts of special protections, while the League wants to reduce them to the bone if not even cancel them. In the majority amendment presented, Fdi explains, strong restrictions are introduced on residence permits for disasters and those granted for medical treatment (which, for example, are more convertible into work residence permits), but special protection for discrimination remains based on gender identity, as well as in favor of those who would be forced to return to their country against their will. “All things that the League wanted to eliminate.”

Meloni’s quest to avoid a clash with Colle

The difference for Meloni is substantial, because Salvini’s 2018 security decrees had received the findings of the Quirinale, to then be modified with Count II. The tipping point found yesterday with the sub-amendment presented by the majority in the Senate is proof of the will to avoid a clash with the Quirinale

What is special protection?

But what is special protection? The residence permit for special protection is issued in cases in which the Territorial Commission does not recognize the asylum-seeking foreign citizen either the refugee status or subsidiary protection, but deems the conditions exist to protect the person from expulsion or refoulement to a State in which he may be subject to persecution (for reasons of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, citizenship, religion, political opinions, personal or social conditions), or where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the alien, in the event of expulsion, risks being subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment.

Special protection introduced by Salvini

The League’s persistence on special protection is striking, if one considers that it was actually introduced (instead of the more “permissive” permit for “humanitarian protection”) by law 132/2018, the Security decree wanted by the then Minister of Internal Salvini (and granted only for medical treatment; for contingencies of exceptional calamity; for acts of particular civil value)


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