Melons at the press conference: from vaccines to raves, here are the new measures

Melons at the press conference: from vaccines to raves, here are the new measures


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The first Council of Ministers approves a decree confirming the stop to the vaccination obligation for health personnel and exacerbates the penalties for those who organize abusive gatherings such as the one in Modena. The premier presents the measures with Nordio, Schillaci and Piantedosi

A single decree with rules on justice – and more in detail onlife imprisonment – on health care (with the no vaccination obligation from 1 November for health personnel) and illegal gatherings, which may be punished with penalties up to six years in prison. This is the first measure approved by the government led by Giorgia Meloni meeting today in the Council of Ministers. Along with this decree, the CDM also approved the list of undersecretaries and deputy ministers who complete the executive team: the oath will take place on November 2. To present the measures, the premier meets the press with ministers Carlo Nordio, Matteo Piantedosi and Orazio Schillaci.

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The provision on life imprisonment“it is very important and at times symbolic”, said Meloni, because “it contains a norm that goes in the sense” of the fight against the mafia.

“IS the indication of the Constitutional Court was accepted “, Nordio then explained:” We had an indication from the Constitutional Court, which would have ruled on some critical issues of this discipline that essentially concerned automatism – he explained – that is, for the simple the fact of being convicted of some crimes triggered certain measures or limitations to the measures. The indication that was accepted and included in the approved decree: now there is no longer this automatism but it is the judge who will make a whole series of assessments “.

On rave partiesMeloni clarified, “we have chosen to introduce a new crime that we wanted to be a crime against public safety and not against property”, adding that we are “happy with the signal that is given”: the government wanted to demonstrate that ” he has been there and does not put his feet on his head, “said Meloni.

“We have structured this regulatory intervention that provides for the specific case of invasions of land and buildings aimed at gatherings of over 50 people from which dangers to public safety, public order or public health may arise”, then explained the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi during the press conference at Palazzo Chigi. “We have moved and we were already working on it – he added in relation to the decree on rave parties – we recognized the requirements of necessity and urgency in the fact that probably the absence of an effective regulatory discipline in our country made us particularly vulnerable, such as the chronicle of recent years testifies. Moreover, these are particularly dangerous events not only for the people who commit them but are also very expensive also for the use of the police forces that follow from them “.

On the subject of health, Meloni explained that he had decided “to bring forward the end of the vaccination obligation for health and RSA personnel to tomorrow because this allows us to take four thousand people and put them back to work in a system that already has personnel problems”. Instead, the use of masks in hospitals and RSA was confirmed, after it was hypothesized in recent days that the obligation would lapse.

“The measure we took today is to bring forward the expiry of the vaccination obligation for health professionals to November 1, which for other categories had expired on June 15”, added the Minister of Health. Orazio Schillaci. “First of all, today the picture of Covid-19 has changed compared to when this measure was taken, there is a decrease in the incidence of infections and in particular the impact on hospitals continues to be limited in places in medical areas and in therapy. To this must be added the serious shortage of medical and health personnel in our hospitals that derives from wrong planning in the last 10 years. Having these doctors and operators back to work serves to counteract the shortage “, he specified. In his speech, the minister then wanted to “reiterate the importance of vaccines in the fight against the Covid pandemic and to sincerely thank the doctors and all health workers who have done their utmost, also paying a heavy toll of victims” .


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