Melons and abortion as the first matter of delegitimizing the opponent (calm down, please)

Melons and abortion as the first matter of delegitimizing the opponent (calm down, please)


In a lucid article for the Financial Times, Timothy Garton Ash writes that fascism must be sought in Putin’s Moscow and not in Giorgia Meloni’s Rome. Among his many good arguments regarding autocratic Russian power and its imperialist intrusiveness, there is that Western democracy is in danger more in the United States than in Italy (which also explains the summary assimilation, of an electoral flavor, of the two situations. made by Joe Biden). In the meantime, the major political provocations here after September 25 are, apart from Meloni’s alleged Mussolinism, the low-level personal attack on an old story of a deceased father absent from family life, and other accusations with little foundation. which replace well-founded and argued criticisms, concern the question of abortion.

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