Meloni’s outburst: “Me isolated? Many in the EU think like me”. And Salvini threatens Macron

Meloni's outburst: "Me isolated?  Many in the EU think like me”.  And Salvini threatens Macron


Brussels, from our correspondent. He wakes up in his hotel, a stone’s throw from the Grand Place, reads the Italian newspapers, hurriedly convenes a press meeting before the European Council. Asymmetrical red coat, angry look. Here is Giorgia Meloni: “If the mission of France and Germany in Washington was inopportune? Frankly, yesterday’s invitation to Zelensky seemed more inappropriate. Because I believe that our strength in this matter is unity and I understand the pressures of internal politics, the fact of favoring internal public opinion, but there are times when favoring one’s own internal public opinion risks to the detriment of the cause and this seems to me to be one of those cases”. Mesdames and messieurs, the crisis with Paris is served. Or maybe it’s just another installment.

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