Meloni’s first maneuver is a problem for both Meloni and the opposition

Meloni's first maneuver is a problem for both Meloni and the opposition


The maneuver approved on Monday evening by the Meloni government, a cautious, prudent, non-spending and far from extremist maneuver, can be summed up using a simple and provocative adjective: embarrassing. But be careful. Embarrassing not for what the maneuver contains, but for what the maneuver represents both for those who promoted it and for those who are opposing it. His first government maneuver is embarrassing for Meloni because 90 percent of the choices made by the center-right majority, as some former advisers to the former prime minister also admit, were also made by the Draghi government: no debt abuse, overall contained deficit, two thirds of the appropriations against expensive bills and little change on identity choices, cut in the tax wedge for workers. And also on identity choices, so to speak, three measures approved in the Council of Ministers are measures that the Draghi government would probably have done too. Quota 103, over the three-year period, costs 500 million more than Quota 102 described by Draghi. The strengthening of the single check adds about 400 million to what has already been foreseen by the Draghi government. And the Citizenship Income itself, during Draghi’s last speech in the Senate, was the subject of fierce criticism by the former prime minister. The first maneuver by the Meloni government, therefore, is embarrassing for the Meloni government, because it demonstrates that the economic discontinuity promised in the electoral campaign with the previous government was 90 percent the result of propaganda. But at the same time it is also embarrassing for the opposition. And the Melonian majority in a more or less voluntary way tirelessly continues to take away from their opponents many arguments for their battles against the Meloni government. The Democratic Party challenged the center-right for being against the Draghi agenda and the Draghi agenda, hello, it reappears in the maneuver. The Democratic Party praised Draghi when Draghi suggested reviewing the basic income and now, hello, the center-right government has actually revised the basic income. The Democratic Party challenged the center-right for being ambiguous on Putinism and the center-right, hello, yesterday in the European Parliament it votes together the motion with which Russia is defined as a state that sponsors terrorism and uses terrorist methods and does so on the same day that the M5s he abstained and three PD MEPs voted against the motion. It is so embarrassing for the oppositions to build an opposition against Meloni that is not inconsistent with their own history, with their recent past, that they have arrived, in the center-left, to support the following positions. Rebuke the government for not giving enough value to women in government, in a government led by the first female prime minister. Rebuking the government for not having offered sufficiently incisive answers against expensive bills without realizing that in order to have even more incisive maneuvers it would have been necessary to increase precisely that deficit that the Democratic Party has always asked not to increase. Blaming Meloni, as Laura Boldrini did in a very amusing way, for having made the left’s battles her own, such as the reduction in VAT on sanitary pads and diapers, without however having embraced these battles “in a structural way”. And finally, as Carlo Calenda did yesterday, reproaching the right for having been inconsistent with itself (“I find – said Carlo Calenda – the maneuver presented by the government a great mockery above all for right-wing voters, because all the promises made during the electoral campaign were disregarded”).

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