Meloni’s delivery to the loyalists: don’t echo the Lega’s shootings

Meloni's delivery to the loyalists: don't echo the Lega's shootings


The mandate that you have given to your magic circle is simple: don’t fuel controversy in the majority, don’t echo the tirades of the League, especially those of Matthew Salvini, anxious about performance for the upcoming regionals in Lombardy where his political future is at stake. The President of the Council Giorgia Meloni she is very irritated by the recent releases of the Northern League in government: shots that have guided the political debate while she made “enormous” efforts on justice, foreign policy and energy autonomy. All issues faded into the background first due to the sudden exit of the Minister of Regional Affairs Robert Calderoli on the autonomy bill “which will go to the Council of Ministers immediately”, then for the sentences of the Minister of Education Joseph Vallettara on the salaries to be increased for teachers in the North, and finally for the avalanche of amendments to the landing bill that arrived in the House.

All releases proudly claimed by Salvini, who relaunched a post on social media with the emblematic title: “Salvini and the League are taking back the scene”, taking up an article by Free on Pagnoncelli’s latest survey which gives the Via Bellerio party a slight rise. The strategy of the leader of the League is clear, also because everyone knows that a piece of his political future is at stake in the next regional ones in Lombardy. If his feud also goes badly, the branch will really open up against him and some point out that in reality the latter has already begun: the president’s list Fountain is considered much stronger than that of the League, for example.

Autonomy and wage cages

In any case, Salvini’s agitation is creating quite a few discontents in Palazzo Chigi and in Melon’s magic circle, starting with Italy’s brother-in-law Francesco Lollobrigida. The Minister of Agriculture met with some deputies from the Brothers of Italy, trying to tone it down and inviting them not to reply or intervene on the topics raised by the League. “It’s talk after all, there is no acceleration on the agenda on the autonomy bill nor are we discussing wage cages, the Northern League are a bit tense and we let them vent”, says a deputy very close to Lollobrigida.

Even the melonian John Donzelli, speaking with some deputies of the Democratic Party who asked him for information on the possible arrival of the autonomy bill in the Council of Ministers announced by Calderoli, he threw water on the fire: “But yes, maybe he will go there, perhaps before the vote in Lombardy, maybe even later, we’ll see – he said – but, guys, it’s a bill that then has to go to Parliament, go through the commissions, undergo amendments as we decided in the political summit on autonomy. Don’t worry”. In short, chatter, this is the message that leaks from Fratelli d’Italia. However, the prime minister did let it be known that no FdI deputy will have to act as a support, perhaps by replying and bringing out what is evident: in the political program of the majority party there is no autonomy and there are no wage cages. At best, tone down the tone, as did the Undersecretary of Education of FdI Paula Frassinetti: “Valditara’s words have been misinterpreted by the left”. Here, these are words and moreover misinterpreted. In the meantime, we will see if during the week, as announced to Salvini, the Autonomy bill will go to the Council of Ministers: after all, it is only a piece of paper. After the regionals, the real accounts will be dealt with in the majority and also by Meloni and Salvini.


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