Meloni still appears to be the opposition leader at the press conference

Meloni still appears to be the opposition leader at the press conference


One month after being sworn in, the prime minister continues to behave as if she were still the “boss” of the Brothers of Italy and not the prime minister. Meetings with the press follow a by now usual format and questions from journalists are kept to a minimum. Unsolicited advice

Perhaps together with the bridge over the Strait Giorgia Meloni should also build a tunnel to exit Via della Scrofa, the headquarters of her party, and settle entirely in Palazzo Chigi. One month after being sworn in, the prime minister continues to behave as if she were still the “head” of the Brothers of Italy, moreover in the opposition, and not the prime minister. The calls of the forest, indeed of Colle Oppio, are continuous. The proof comes on time every (rare) time Meloni shows up at the press conference. It follows a format now used to reduce journalists’ questions to a minimum: long opening speech, round of the table by the ministers present, finally space for the press, except to announce, tac, that he must leave due to commitments already madethe. Then at the first opportunity – the question she doesn’t like – she brings out a rather singular rhetorical paraphernalia. That of those who feel surrounded.

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