Meloni saves the government but loses to Enel. Cattaneo-Scaroni to compensate Eni

Meloni saves the government but loses to Enel.  Cattaneo-Scaroni to compensate Eni


Lega and Forza Italia scored. The trio, Salvini, Giorgetti and Tajani, in extra time, overturns the “State nominations and participation” match. Flavio Cattaneo is in fact indicated CEO of Enel. Giorgia Meloni’s favourite, the favourite, the CEO of Terna, Stefano Donarrumma, does not pass. Paolo Scaroni is appointed to the presidency of Enel, as requested by Silvio Berlusconthe. CEO Matteo Del Fante remains in command of Poste. The president will be Silvia Rovere. The Cingolani couple and Stefano Pontecorvo (president) go to Leonardo. Claudio Descalzi remains firm in Eni while the general of the Gdf Zafarana obtains the presidency. On the night of April 11, Meloni was about to lose the government. Now the names are there. The list of managers and presidents of Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste was filed by the Mef.

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