Meloni “satisfied” with the EU judgment on the Maneuver. But the criticisms of Bank of Italy were the same

Meloni "satisfied" with the EU judgment on the Maneuver.  But the criticisms of Bank of Italy were the same


The Commission approves the framework of the Budget Law, but rejects the raising of the cash ceiling and the limitations on the Pos. Just as the Bank of Italy had done, provoking a deranged reaction from Undersecretary Fazzolari

“Italy’s Draft Budgetary Document is in line with the Council’s recommendations of July 2022”. The European Commission approved the Budget law this morning, albeit with some reservations. Brussels shares the structure and prudence of the maneuver , in particular with respect to public spending and measures relating to the energy crisis, which commit most of the resources.And yet, the Commission did not fail to raise some perplexities, highlighting how those identity-based measures, the raising of the ceiling on cash, the limitations on the use of the POS clash with the fight against tax evasion, on which Europe has asked Italy to intervene on several occasions.“We are particularly satisfied with the judgement”, Meloni promptly declared. Except that if you look closely, the findings of the Brussels bureaucrats are not all that different from those made by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the Court of Auditors and above all by the Bank of Italy.

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