Meloni reverses on the masks and opens to No Vax. Only four questions from the press

Meloni reverses on the masks and opens to No Vax.  Only four questions from the press


A single decree, four measures and only four questions granted to reporters. Giorgia Meloni’s first press conference lasts 53 minutes, then Palazzo Chigi cuts off live TV. Even if the premier will then answer out of sack about the fascist rally in Predappio, “politically far from me in a significant way”, she will say with a smile in a slightly irritated manner before leaving for a meeting on the Nadef. THEThe second Cdm of the Meloni era, the one with the first initiatives, passes through the interventions on justice (life imprisonment and postponement of the Cartabia reform), on public order (anti-rave rules), for the appointment of undersecretaries (it is assign the delegation to services) and for initiatives on Covid. On the latter aspect, the leader extends her hand to the no vax doctors (anticipating their reinstatement by two months), but she is forced to back down on the obligation of masks in hospitals and clinics.

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